
Il Ragù di Cinghiale (The Wild Boar Ragù)

Ladies and Gentlemen… his majesty, the boar! This wonderful animal, very sought after in the woods of Tuscany, is a fundamental pillar of the typical Tuscan cuisine. On Sundays, pappardelle with wild boar are a constant presence on the table of every respectable family. Tradition, simplicity and refi ned taste make this dish a must-try. […]

Il Crostino Toscano

In Tuscany there is no “feast” or special occasion without the Tuscan “crostino” on the table. In the various parts of Tuscany, it is called (and prepared) in various ways: some simply call it “toscano” (“Tuscan”), some “crostino nero” (“black crouton”), some “crostino di fegatini” (“liver crouton”), some just “fegatino” (“liver”). Different names, different recipes […]